Homework on Vicki Been, "What's fairness got to do with it?"
All answers must be in your own words.
Don't read the footnotes.
Do read the following pages:
All answers must be in your own words.
1. a. What is the problem of discriminatory siting? (1pt)
b. How does something similar come up in internationally - between nations, not just within other nations? (1pt)
c. What connection does this problem have to other topics we have discussed in this class? (2pts)
2. a. Which objection to fair siting proposals do you find most plausible/compelling/important? Why?(1pt)
b. This objection is to methods for dealing with unfair siting. Is this objection also relevant to solutions to the international problems you talk about in 1b? Why or why not? (1pt)
3. a. What do you think about compensation schemes as a solution to discriminatory siting? Why or why not? (1pt)
b. Could compensation schemes be used as a solution to unfair distributions of harms from climate change? Why or why not? (1pt)
4. a. What does the claim that "Fairness requires progressive siting" mean? (1pt)
b. What makes this claim at least somewhat plausible? (1pt)